
I thank God for having occasioned for me and the Din e Mosaffa group to present and savor in the website: Din e Mosaffa, a cherishing exposition of the genuine knowledge of the Holy Koran and the Islamic Tradition (Sonnah) albeit the befallen darkness of life during the elongated-absence (Kobra-Absence) of Imam of the Age (Imam Zaman) (A) and whilst facing the innumerous sins and defilements such as corrupt beliefs and idealisms that are swarming the world,.

It is hoped that we may continue to cherish the spiritual morality in this task of ours until the recrudescence (reappearing) and advent of Blessed 12th Imam (AJ) and manage to learn valuable religious facts and the related fundamentals and be credited with spiritual enlightenment.

The objective in this website is not merely learning about the fulsome knowledge of the Prophet-Household (Ahlulbayt) (A), but also to publicize such wholesome words of wisdom.

Imam Reza (A) the 8th Imam quotes: “God bless a servant reviving our tradition and edict (رَحِمَ اللَّهُ عَبْداً أَحْیَا أَمْرَنَا). It was asked: “How is your tradition revived? The blessed Imam replies:” By learning then teaching our words to people; for upon knowing the wonders of our quotes they would obey us.”(یَتَعَلَّمُ‏ عُلُومَنَا وَ یُعَلِّمُهَا النَّاسَ فَإِنَّ النَّاسَ لَوْ عَلِمُوا مَحَاسِنَ كَلَامِنَا لَاتَّبَعُونَا)

When we turn to the Holy Koran and the Accredited phylum (Itrat) (A) as resources for our use (Resorts of) the Cult (Din) of Mosaffa) we find them to be immensely different from the many of the learning of man in other books of all sort. Thus, we should approach broadmindedly. We recite in the Iftetah Pray that: ”Oh God, for the truth you have revealed to us bestow us an apt forbearance and aptitude!

((اللَّهُمَّ مَا عَرَّفْتَنَا مِنَ الْحَقِّ فَحَمِّلْنَاه.

Looking into many of the verses of Koran and Sacred Sayings (Hadithes), I came to the conclusion that the best there is to utilize for the wiping off from Islam and the Holy Household (A) the dust of remoteness in elongated-absence of the 12th Imam (A) would indeed be the straightforward and pure Din e Mosaffa.

For this reason, after an extensive stretch of time acquiring the knowledge from the noblemen and spiritual cerebrals studying at the grand House of the spiritualist, Ayatollah Mara’shi and the acclaimed lecturers of Islamic Principles and Koranic Interpretation and moreover by profound research and studies on the Greater Jurisprudence (Figh’he Akbar), I decided – when ardently suggested by my friends and students – to present over a decade of academic and cultural involvements and out of my manuscripts adapted from Koran and the sacred sayings quoted by Shiaa narrators on the Greater Jurisprudence in trustworthy books. These data are thus placed in herein virtual domain for the review on the Shiaa doctrines and beliefs.

In this website we are ardently presenting by discussion and discourse the interpretation of he Holy Koran based on the sacred sayings of the Holy Imams (A) and upon the Shiaa doctrines, i.e.: Unitarianism (Deity Uniqueness), Prophecy or Prophethood (Nubuwwat), Sacred Headship (Imamate), Justice, and Day of Justice (Ma’ad). Each of these main topics are further cascaded into such subtitles as scholarly, intrinsic and declarative literature which are deemed essential to be availed and discussed by anyone devoted to the Dine e Musaffa religious belief.

Yet another of the significant objectives set in this website is to both ratify man’s soul (Fitra) and to learn and publicize the lore and knowledge of the Holy Messenger Mohammad (S) and his Blessed Progeny (A).

It should also be mentioned that I am not exhibiting any lauded wisdom of my own in these scripts and I admit that I have not produced here anything novel by my own creed; all I have written or orated are quotations from accredited books and sacred Islamic tradition writings, hadithes of Shiaa narrators and approved teachers of religious fundamentals and the interpretations of Koran.

Finally I warmheartedly thank all my friends who have for the sake of God and gratification of the Blessed Imam Mahdi (AJ) helped me launch this website and hold the spiritual belief lecture sessions. I also wish that God Almighty may grant my endeared ones everyday success in continue reviving the policy of the Blessed Imams (A) and keeping up our blessed tasks.

I hope that the Extolled God and the Divine Sovereigns (A) may accept from all those involved in the website and classes of Din e Mosaffa and include us among the promoters of this divine school.

Holy Koran, Surah Kahf, Verse 18: ….while their dog (lay) outstretching its paws at the entrance…. (Shakir’s Koran Translation)

God Bless all those praying for all goodness,

Mahdi Mara’shi; Website Owner,

October 2012, concurrent to the Birth of Much Gratifying Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Reza (A).

ثبت دیدگاه

  • دیدگاه های ارسال شده توسط شما، پس از تایید توسط تیم مدیریت در وب منتشر خواهد شد.
  • پیام هایی که حاوی تهمت یا افترا باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.
  • پیام هایی که به غیر از زبان فارسی یا غیر مرتبط باشد منتشر نخواهد شد.